Safety is an illusion
The other day I heard someone say that if we don’t come out of this “Coronavirus” situation with clearer, stronger convictions, then we aren’t paying attention. I’m inclined to agree. So I decided to put pen to paper. Here are my convictions...
That most people do not have a freaking clue as to how their immune systems actually work. Our education, media and medical systems have 100% failed us. Immune systems get strong through exposure to microbes, not through avoiding them. Quarantine sick people; ask the immune compromised to stay at home; but healthy people need to be out living their lives - hugging each other.
That people are not contaminated vectors for “Covid-19” or many other alleged contagious diseases. As Dr Dan Erickson of Accelerated Urgent Care stated in an interview, “Do you know what an asymptomatic carrier is? A healthy person.” In addition, historically speaking, a number of supposed contagious disease outbreaks had environmental causes that never got a seat at the proverbial table. I mean, does anyone realize that you can get sick alone in your house without ever coming into contact with another human being? Yes, you can literally make yourself sick – no human contact necessary.
That most people choose their addictions over health. I used to have this vision that the alcoholic or intravenous drug user living on the streets was an addict. Not so. You can be a functional addict, and your overall health will greatly suffer. For instance, if people knew how their immune system works, then I wouldn’t be hearing about “Corona Cocktail Hour” and watching neighbors drink wine on their trashcans in a culdesac on television. The news was celebrating this so-called ingenuity for having fun while social distancing.
Alcohol is toxic – the liver prioritizes getting rid of it over everything else. If there is indeed a “deadly virus” among us, or even more likely an unexamined environmental threat, let’s put the wine and beer up for another time. And don’t even get me started on people eating candy under their masks or the people creating oxidative stress in their brains with their wireless ear buds. Your mask won’t save you from ignorance and lack of discipline. Sugar and radiofrequency radiation, like alcohol, weaken immunity.
That our culture is really skilled at creating scapegoats. Taking personal responsibility is hard work and corporations lose profit. It’s much more convenient to blame a “virus,” i.e. something bad and dangerous outside of us, instead of examining the effects of the toxic soup we are living in…that we fucking co-created.
That masks, gloves, social isolation, hand sanitizers, disinfectancts and vaccines are NOT the answers for what ails us. We have fundamentally lost the fucking plot: bacteria and microbes don’t need us, we need them. WE are living in THEIR home, not the other way around. They were fucking here FIRST. If we could ever stop fighting Mother Nature, thinking that we can do better than she can, then we might actually heal our bodies and the earth. But in the meantime, we seem to be committed to trading acute childhood infections for a lifetime of chronic, inflammatory disease. In our efforts to avoid getting sick, we invite cancer and autoimmunity via our indiscriminate use of chemicals and vaccines. Start taking milk thistle for liver health since we will be bathed in disinfectants when we leave our homes! Fun times.
That we are NOT all in this together. I don’t have the bandwidth for this kumbaya bullshit. As my 79-year-old mom, who hasn’t left the house in two months, said the other day, “We are NOT all in this together. Everyone is alone in their house.” Not to mention that everyone is facing different struggles. I think that Anand Giridharadas says it best in his book Winners Take All, “the claim that everyone is in it together is an eraser of the inconvenient realities of others” (p50).
That most people are smart and good but have been seriously misdirected by a media and a government corrupted by Big Pharma. Over and over again, people give trust to authorities who don’t deserve it.
Want diabetes? Eat according to the Food Guide Pyramid, or plate or whatever they call that useless piece of shit dietary guideline, that does nothing more than support the dairy, grain and processed foods industries and make you sick.
Want cancer and dementia and sick mitochondria? Take statin drugs to lower cholesterol which is an essential substance for the health of the body – so essential that the body makes it, if you don’t eat it.
Want a kid with developmental delays, skin rashes, seizures, autism, and weak immunity who, at worst, may never grow into a functioning adult and, at best, may need pharmaceutical drugs the rest of his/her life? Then go ahead, be my guest, and follow the CDC guidelines for vaccinating your child.
What I’m saying is this: sometimes (scratch that, a lot of the time) the experts get it wrong and the world suffers, so you better do your own goddamn research. No, I’m not advocating for fake news; I’m advocating for informed, dissenting voices which are largely absent from our government and mainstream media.
That science isn’t science anymore. We put science on a pedestal thinking IT has the answers we need. We chant “follow the science, follow the science, follow the science.” As if objectivity is even possible. Plus, much of “science” is serving industry, not people. It has been corrupted by money and ego, along with all of our other institutions. No, I will not worship science, until I’m clear on what science we are talking about.
That death is NOT a failure. Death is a natural part of life. That cumulative “coronavirus” death toll on MSNBC and CNN on the right side of the screen isn’t there as a FACT. It isn’t there for REALITY. It’s there to incite FEAR. Tens of thousands of people die per week in the United States. People die. It’s what we do. The minute we are born into this world, we are dying. We kill plants and animals to survive. Death literally creates life. Death isn’t something you can avoid, and you don’t get to say how or when you die. Our culture that values youth and productivity over grey hair and wisdom wants to control everything and hates death. But that doesn’t change the truth of the matter: if you want to live free, you must embrace the end of life.
So next time you see this sort of nonsense in the newspaper, you can catch it:
“On Sunday, Boulder County reported three new deaths attributed to the coronavirus. The three people who died were in their 70s to 90s and were all residents of long-term care facilities…This sad news is a reminder to all of us about the real danger of Covid-19.”
Hopefully, these three people lived good, fulfilling lives and my heart goes out to those they left behind, but I don’t hear about “the real danger of Covid-19” in this article. I hear OLD PEOPLE ARE GOING TO DIE!
The ironic part of this entire conversation is that the medical system does it's fair share of killing people. Medical errors are the 3rd cause of death in America. Just listen to the first 5-7 minutes of what this nurse has to say.
That a feeling of safety in this world is an inside job. We do not have a “viral” crisis; we have a spiritual crisis. Safety literally does not exist. It is an illusion. As it stands right now, many people, across the world do not feel safe to come out of their homes. Do not feel safe for their children to play with other children. What’s it gonna take to feel safe again? More masks? More gloves? A hazmat suit? A gun? More bullets? A magic-bullet pharmaceutical drug? More money? Extended stay-at-home orders? Another motherfucking, toxic vaccine? Oh, no, by golly, I’ve got it – more UNRELIABLE tests. Now, I know that fear shuts down the cognitive part of the brain, but we’ve got to start thinking this through. At a certain point, in an effort to move forward, you may have to seriously evaluate your view of the world and your place in it.
Recognizing that these are fleeting senses of safety, I’ll tell you what makes me feel safe. Snuggling with my husband and my 7-year-old son. Smelling the bark of a Ponderosa Pine tree – it’s like dessert. Walking near water. Receiving a massage. Drinking a cup of tea. And most of all, finding that still, quiet place deep inside myself that’s connected to everything. Because we are a small part of a much bigger, divinely designed Universe. The Spirit animating our bodies and holding the Universe together is inherently good – microbes and all.
Live in peace, my friends.